A place and time where you can face your own mind and body,
away from your daily life
「uno nido」の建物は元々化粧品のお店。約60年前にデザインされ建てられた鉄筋コンクリートの建物。この時間が止まった建物に、ほんの少し手を加え新しい風を入れました。簡素な暮らしの中から見えてくる小さな楽しみや豊かさを感じていただきたいと思い、できるだけシンプルな空間になっています。また、古い建物なので不便なこともあるかも知れません。しかし、だからこそ感じる光や風があると思っています。ラウンジで読書をし、外を歩いて海を見る。夜はゆったりと寛げるベッドで眠る。この空間で心と身体を整えて、日常にプラスαが宿りますように。
The building of uno nido was originally designed and built as a cosmetic store. This 60-year-old reinforced concrete building had long been kept as if time was completely stopped inside. With only minimal renovation work, we managed to let in new breeze into this old building by turning it into a new hotel. We would like you to find a little pleasure and richness through a simple life therefore we kept the space as plain as possible. Because of this, and also of the age of the building itself, we are afraid you might encounter some inconveniences during your stay here. However, we believe that some lights and winds can only be felt when you place yourself in such inconvenient environment.Reading in the lounge, walking by the sea, sleeping on a comfortable bed…We offer you a perfect space where you can organise your mind and body. We wish your stay with us will help you find something little extra to your daily life.
uno nido / 小さなホテル